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CONAREG conducts activities in favor of national reconciliation, social cohesion and the prevention of violence in all regions of Guinea.

Kindia: CONAREG brings together several actors to discuss “the issues and challenges of a successful transition”


  A round table bringing together actors from civil society, religious people, teachers, traditional communicators, artists and many personalities was held this Saturday, February 10, 2024, in the urban commune of Kindia. An initiative of the National Coalition to Support Reconciliation in Guinea (CONAREG) which aims to work for a successful…

Capacity Building on Transitional Justice


This activity, which brought together civil society actors, religious leaders and members of the CPRN, aimed at strengthening their capacity in transitional justice and conflict prevention, and has made it possible to remind religious leaders that they have a strong influence in the promotion of peace through their sermons and…

Documentary Film Screenings


  A one-hour documentary film was made, highlighting statements from victims of Camp Boiro up through victims of more recent post-election events. This documentary film was presented in the four regions of Guinea to inform young people about Guinea’s socio-political history.

Body Map Exhibitions

Body Mapping Activities

  These body maps were drawn by survivors and describe their lives, from their youth up until the violations they suffered and beyond. These maps have therefore been exhibited in the four regions of Guinea in order to share the lives of the victims and promote empathy and understanding between…