About Us
The National Coalition of Support for Reconciliation in Guinea (CONAREG), created in 2018, is an umbrella organization that brings together several civil society organizations, victims’ associations and social actors in Guinea. CONAREG carries out advocacy activities focused on transitional justice, conflict prevention, psychosocial support, it creates consultation frameworks between civil society, authorities and communities in order to promote national reconciliation. It is part of the network of member organizations of the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience.
CONAREG encourages the involvement of socio-political actors and opinion leaders so that together they make Guinea a country of peace and sustainable social development.

The Association of Victims of Camp Boiro (CVAB) is the first victim association created by victims and children of victims who were imprisoned and killed at the Boiro camps; their demand remains the return of their loved ones’ graves and recognition by the State of the injustice committed against them.

The Association of Parents, Friends, and Victims of 28 September 2009 (AVIPA) was created the day after the massacre of 28 September 2009, bringing together more than four hundred (400) victims of all backgrounds, AVIPA offers support to the victims through medical and psychological care and provides them with socio-economic support for their rapid reintegration within the community.

The Association of Victims of the Repression of July 1985 (AVR) is an association of victims of the repression in 1985, whose property had been seized, and who are fighting for the identification of additional victims and for their medical and legal care.

The Consortium of Youth Associations for the Defense of Victims of Violence in Guinea (COJEDEV) is an organization created by young activists in the context of promoting human rights and preventing conflict in Guinea.
Humanitarian for the Protection of Women and Children (HuProFE), like other civil society organizations, is fighting, firstly, for the eradication of torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading practices in Guinea, with a focus on the Forested region; and, secondly, to ensure the effective application of legal texts. Through programs to promote rights, protection and peace, HuProFE implements aims to support women and girls and facilitate everyone’s access to justice.

The Guinean Organization for the Defense of Human and Citizens’ Rights (OGDH) is a non-governmental organization created in 1990 by Guinean academics, students and lawyers. Its objectives are the promotion, protection and defense of human rights through training campaigns and the reporting of human rights violations in the country. It is independent of the public authorities and any political or doctrinal currents. OGDH is particularly active in the collection of witness statements from victims and in their support before the Guinean judicial authorities.